F1GP-Ed Documentation
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Just because GP 2 is now out for the PC doesn't mean I'm going to stop
developing F1GP-Ed :-) I will continue development while interest still
I really don't know what else is going into future versions of F1GP-Ed in
the way of new features. Usually, I discover things first and then
implement the features in F1GP-Ed. But, rest assured, if I (or other
contributors) find some things that are worth changing, I will add features
in F1GP-Ed to change them :-)
If there are any new features you'd like to see, then please do let me
know. Although I won't promise to add them, I'll gladly add them to my
list. If enough people ask for a specific feature, then I'll try even
harder to make it possible. However, some things are impossible :-(
Converted on 16 Apr 1999 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1 by Michael Ranner.